Tether Tools aren’t just for tethering cameras…Many of our tools can also help solve issues that landscape, wildlife, and outdoor photographers commonly face. From getting the camera close to the action with our advanced wireless remote control the Case Air, to launching your drone, or even previewing your shot out in nature, Tether Tools has the solutions that photographers need.

Connect, Control, and Transfer Images from Your Camera to a Mobile Device

From remote triggering your camera with a range up to 150 feet or viewing images on a larger screen such as a tablet or phone as you’re shooting, there are plenty of reasons to bring the ultra-lightweight Case Air Wireless Tethering System out into nature.

Tether Table Aero and Aero Sunshade make Outdoor Portraits Easy

Shooting outside can make viewing images on your laptop difficult. This is why we recommend the Tether Tools Aero Sunshade as the ideal complement to any Tether Table. The sunshade eliminates reflections and glare on the laptop screen and keeps the viewing area dark.

Elevate Your Drone Experience with the Aero LaunchPad

Drone operators, get out of the dirt! The Aero Drone LaunchPad from Tether Tools is a versatile solution to help you get off the ground and into a more comfortable, and safe lift off position.

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